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So far rackliff has created 91 blog entries.

What Are Required Minimum Distributions And How Are They Calculated?

Required minimum distributions (RMDs) are the amounts that you must withdraw each year from your traditional IRA, employer-sponsored retirement plan, or tax-sheltered annuity. (Lifetime minimum distributions are not required from Roth IRAs, but your beneficiaries generally must take distributions following your death.) You must begin to take the annual distributions by April 1 of the year following the year in which you reach age 72. Read More

What Are Required Minimum Distributions And How Are They Calculated?2021-05-28T20:17:12+00:00

Closing a Retirement Income Gap

When you determine how much income you'll need in retirement, you may base your projection on the type of lifestyle you plan to have and when you want to retire. However, as you grow closer to retirement, you may discover that your income won't be enough to meet your needs. If you find yourself in this situation, you'll need to adopt a plan to bridge this projected income gap. Read More

Closing a Retirement Income Gap2021-05-28T20:10:15+00:00

10 Years and Counting: Points to Consider as You Approach Retirement

If you're a decade or so away from retirement, you've probably spent at least some time thinking about this major life change. How will you manage the transition? Will you travel, take up a new sport or hobby, or spend more time with friends and family? Should you consider relocating? Will you continue to work in some capacity? Will changes in your income sources affect your standard of living? Read More

10 Years and Counting: Points to Consider as You Approach Retirement2021-05-28T19:44:30+00:00

Common Factors Affecting Retirement Income

When it comes to planning for your retirement income, it's easy to overlook some of the common factors that can affect how much you'll have available to spend. If you don't consider how your retirement income can be impacted by investment risk, inflation risk, catastrophic illness or long-term care, and taxes, you may not be able to enjoy the retirement you envision. Read More

Common Factors Affecting Retirement Income2021-05-10T16:26:39+00:00

Creating an Investment Portfolio

You've identified your goals and done some basic research. You understand the difference between a stock and a bond. But how do you actually go about creating an investment portfolio? What specific investments are right for you? What resources are out there to help you with investment decisions? Do you need a financial professional to help you get started? Read More

Creating an Investment Portfolio2021-05-05T23:44:22+00:00

Retirement: Proceed With Caution Before Relying on General Rules

When investing for retirement, you're likely to hear a lot of well-meaning guidance from family, friends, and others offering advice — even the media. As you weigh the potential benefits of any commonly cited investment rules, consider that most are designed for the average situation, which means they may be wrong as often as they're right. Although such guidance is usually based on sound principles and may indeed be a good starting point, be sure to think carefully about your own personal situation before taking any tips at face value. Read More

Retirement: Proceed With Caution Before Relying on General Rules2021-05-05T20:11:40+00:00

Balancing a Retirement Portfolio with Asset Allocation

The combination of investments you choose is as important as the individual investments themselves. In fact, many experts argue that it's even more important, since the mix of various types of investments accounts for most of the ups and downs of a portfolio's return. Each type of investment, or asset class, has strengths and weaknesses that let it play a specific role in your overall investing strategy. Read More

Balancing a Retirement Portfolio with Asset Allocation2021-05-05T18:39:32+00:00

Retirement Plan Considerations at Different Stages of Life

Throughout your career, retirement planning will likely be one of the most important components of your overall financial plan. Whether you have just graduated and taken your first job, are starting a family, are enjoying your peak earning years, or are preparing to retire, your employer-sponsored retirement plan can play a key role in your financial strategies. Read More

Retirement Plan Considerations at Different Stages of Life2021-04-15T16:20:48+00:00

How Aggressive Should I Be When I Invest For Retirement?

It depends. The right answer in your case will depend on a number of key factors. These include, among others, your income and assets, your attitude toward risk, whether you have access to an employer-sponsored plan at work, the age at which you plan to retire, and your projected expenses during retirement. But it's possible to lay down some guidelines that may be of help to you. Read More

How Aggressive Should I Be When I Invest For Retirement?2021-04-12T14:03:31+00:00

Risk Management and Your Retirement Savings Plan

By investing for retirement through your employer-sponsored plan, you are helping to manage a critically important financial risk: the chance that you will outlive your money. But choosing to participate is just one step in your financial risk management strategy. You also need to manage risk within your account to help it stay on track. Read More

Risk Management and Your Retirement Savings Plan2021-04-12T05:21:09+00:00